Cassidy Burel


“I am on an exciting journey to embrace life and create beauty along the way. I have always wanted to be a fashion designer. These last four years as a student in the CARS program at UNCG, I have realized that designing for a profession is something that is achievable. Designer Vera Wang has said, “Success isn’t about the end result, it’s about what you learn along the way”.

From the beginning, I have been blessed with the full support of my friends and family who have given me the confidence to pursue my dreams. After two years in community college, moving out on my own and away from my hometown, I am finishing that journey here in Greensboro and headed upward and onward to a bustling city. I have been able to dive head first not sewing and designing, both things I early love. Although I still have a lot to learn, I want to encourage others who are striving toward your own goals. When things are difficult, remember to do your very best; do what is god/ and simply put, do you.”